A new digital platform for childcare benefits
Customize your own program
Our open architecture platform helps your company build tailor-made benefit programs that connect parents to high-quality services that meet families' unique needs. Your company can configure the programs' parameters - such as eligibility, coverage and commitment level.
We connect working parents to any provider, we offer a concierge-like service to help working parents find the right setup, identify discounts at childcare centers and help smooth out payments to improve affordability.
summer care
Our platform allows your company to customize contribution levels to pay for summer camps and other enrichment programs.
Your company can offer a range of benefits for working parents and let them choose what makes the most sense for them within an overall budget. We can integrate providers beyond childcare, including benefits you already offer.
return to work
We assist parents who have been out of the workforce raising their children transition back into your company, which improves diversity and retains high-skilled talent.
Arvorie connects employers and parents with thousands of childcare providers. With our guidance, your company can design tailor-made childcare benefit programs. And within days, we can launch and start operating those programs seamlessly.
How parent-friendly is your organization?
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About how we can tackle the childcare affordability crisis together.
Upcoming livecasts and seminars, as well as recordings of recent ones.
Get started
Request a free demo of our platform and discover what Arvorie's solutions can do for you and your organization.
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